miércoles, 22 de julio de 2009

Yet you still remain to mark that memory between us that nobody really wants hablar.La not leave me if the words would have to tell me how I feel about Sofia you at this time, my love hate anger and repugnance timidly at once, shame on you to tell if they really feel the dos.No not understand anything you say that I find what you're looking for? How far we get the two of us? nobody nobody explicar.Porque I can never understand our history and what we believe and live just two days watching all the other connected knowing that is talking to that person which does not tolerate sweep by the love of our life, I am wrong? I did not finish mas.Si if you see me not only the floor, I move the earth and all the memories that you and I live alone and left behind, insults and you want the I love you (I love you my ) and all those things of which I am not here today I will put forward to speak, I want you to know something; calaste as something that was not only a memory if not for a siempre.Siempre will our words be written in the sand and forever, always gonna be my siempre.Porque anyone ever going to match because it will happen time and I do not forget, get to know my voice and knowing me to share life in a thousand piece one day if you do not have mas.Ahora not got you do not forget me not forget, not if I deleted msn if I do not want to see more, worst still esque coming here and still reading this and still not thinking anything mi.Y sustainable living continues My life follows the love you always, and if one day that everything returns to 'what it was before' is not the same thing you are not going to be the same I'm going to be much less because it never really I nada.Quiero you understand two things, I love you and I will always be yours. (Yet)

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Ana Gomez=D♥

Anita: ai mi amor  que te puedo decir?
que sos una persona increìble=), con la 
que compartì y aprendì  Muchas cosas.
Cuando nos conocimos, ( que fue
cuando yo estaba en 6º) xD y vos e 4º :O
jaja que al principio ni te hablaba ni nada:|
hasta qe despuès empesè a hablar ,y nos
empesamos a  conocer, empesamos hablar x tel todo=D
La verdad que sos una amiga de 10 la cual
yo amo y valoro mucho ,y no fueron muchos los momentos  que pasamos juntas pero tampoco, poqitos pero  fueron hermosos, xq cuando estoi con vos me divierto mucho, cuando 
hablamos x tel ,me encanta xq hablamos boludeses xD
ojalà esta amistad que tenemos NÙNCA se termine 
sabè que SIEMPRE voi a estar , que nùnca te voi
a faltar y que nùnca te voi a cambiar x nada ni x nadie
Te amo Muchìsimo Anita